God make me see the world that is greater than the "ME". Somewhere inside I sense a desire to be meaningful, but meaning comes not from my being and doing, but rather I must receive it from you, for what do I have that I have not received? Show me my short-sighted inward self-turning. Point me in the way of love that breaks my lack of care for my fellow man and my only God. Make me an image of your Son as I remain in you so that I may experience life cultivated in your Vine. Rekindle a broad and long devotion by your grace to give of myself for the love of your Son and to the extending of myself to your loved ones. Let me love and be found to love and let me express my love, what little I may have. Amen.
READ THIS POST FIRST MY MOTHER : "I'm a registered Conservative, but my vote counted since they endorsed McCain, so I guess it all depends on who the Libertarian's endorse, and even if it were someone difference, at least you would have had a part in voting for the "most" righteous candidate, and McCain was the one even though he's still not the Christian ideal! Remember, Bill Clinton was a "pro-choice" candidate as well as one who furthered the homosexual agenda, so it wasn't surprising to me that 9/11 happened after his term was up and it's not surprising that the economy is faltering so badly now, and it won't surprise me if Obama continues the downward spiral, even if it is into socialistic policies since that's how Europe has gone since they left off looking to God. It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing since the majority have been anti-God for so long and their nations have paid for that for centuries (Dark...