Since everyone is asking... And I mean everyone.
My current life goals are as follows:
1. I wish to continue my education. I do not believe I am done with school. I have a desire and a passion to continue learning and developing my person to the fullest capacity. I believe it to be a lifelong process. Whether formal or informal, it doesn't matter. Though I struggle with the idea of constantly learning and never giving back. Sponges only take so much water before they must be squeezed. Obviously, I don't have to be formally "in" school to learn, and it is very possible to teach and continue learning.
2. I wish to be involved in ministering to Christ's church. There are two ways in which I see this happening. First, I am very open to the Pastoral Ministry, though where and when I do not know. (...) Second, I am also very passionate about the education of the Church. I could see myself working toward a role in Educational Leadership in the Christian community though I would not limit myself absolutely to the Christian community. I think there is something to be said for able-bodied believers who are seated in positions of leadership in the secular community. George Marsden, Mark Noll, Dallas Willard, to name a few. Their work is without price through their helping guide the hearts and minds of God's people to understand God's world.