Since investing in money markets is bad now, why not think about investing in lives of people, Peacemakers asks. “This is an ideal time to invest aggressively in the lives of the people around you.”
I really think Peacemakers is on to something here. We are at a slow in the economy. Business is dwindling at your office. Your 401k investment portfolio is shrinking every day. So, why not? Why not take a bit of your “money-making” time to “invest” in a person? I know, I know - you’re thinking that it’s not really and “investment.” You’re thinking, “I can’t actually legally own someone in this day and age”, but don’t let that get in your way. A little time spent with a child or parent or friend might actually pay off when the money market comes around! You may be able to sell them something in the future if you “invest” in their lives now! They are potential buyers and we all know Investors love buyers!
Think about it. Once this slowdown is over, you might not have time to make investments in people. The market is bound to come around sooner or later, so get while the getting is good!
Since what is most important to us right now is in disrepair, why not make room for the other not-so-important things in life, like friends and family? Since you can’t afford to miss out on the money when the money is there, and since the money is not there now, you may want to consider spending some time with your children or your spouse or your buddies, or heck, why not even knock on your neighbors door and introduce yourself (assuming your neighbor hasn’t gone into foreclosure yet). It can’t hurt. You might get an investment tip from them in the future!
Honestly, this recent article from Peacemakers is really brilliant. I think the wisdom offered in this piece is timely, and if followed, it should come with big returns in the future. It’s almost as good as investing in the money market, but obviously it has its risks. You will, of course, have to consider which “people” are worth investing in, since not all will yield large returns. It’s basic investing principle. With that, I conclude: Invest in people now, while the money market is in shambles, but when the money market picks back up, “cash in” on your people investments and get back in the real deal! Have fun investing!