I wonder about you often. I think of you everyday. I ask my soul to hold on because I know you are near. But you aren't. You are so far away. I pray - oh my soul - do I pray. I long for the moment when you find your way to me, when we meet and embrace and the fires of our hearts ignite and the passions of our soul rejoice in the depths of loves deep fountain.
I sing for you a love song, will all my heart I sing and call out your name. I sing to the mountians, yet they are deaf. I sing for the hills, but my song echos off into the distant empty space. I sing for you and I call your name, but deafness falls upon the field of our love. Cold frost deadens the meeting of our hands. I wander into a cold night praying loves fullest flame will give life to my ever-longing soul. Give life to my heart, warm this coldness I feel. Will you meet me? Will you find me? Will this fire fade into blackness of the darkest coal?