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Showing posts from September, 2007
Division in Education: The inter-relation and division as seen in academic institutions (whether schools, colleges, universities, departments, etc) is obvious, but the West emphasizes division rather than the unity. So that Professor So-and-So is the professor of New Testament Studies, that is, he is the professor who is an expert in NT issues, but not an expert in Pastoral Ministries. Professor Such-and-Such is the professor of Pastoral Ministries, he is an expert in Pastoral Care and Relational Theory, but not and expert in New Testament Studies. Can the pastoral ministries survive without the New Testament Studies and vice versa? Why then is are schools set up around "hands off if your not an expert" mentality? Are we not all learning, though emphasizing different issues, we are all striving to the same goal? Aren't we? I don't know.