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Showing posts from August, 2008


THE DoCTRINE of Reconciliation : Who needs to be reconciled? Mankind. Why do we need reconciliation? Because we have chosen in our rebellion and pride to break from our Creator who will judge our actions righteously. How are we reconciled? By Christ - God made man. Who is inherently worthy of reconciliation? No one. Why does God reconcile? Because he loved before the foundation of the world. Who benefits from reconciliation? Only mankind.   Emanuel, God is with us. The doctrine of reconciliation begins with the action of God: an action which God determined before the foundation of the world, an action taken on behalf of all mankind, and all mankind alone. Christ, the Work and Word of God, became one of us on behalf of us not because of compulsion or duty, but because of His gracious goodness and redeeming love. God is with us in that He is “for” us, in that He became “one of” us, in that He “took” our place in judgment.      

Manly Men

Apparently more women than men currently go to church in America . Apparently some Baptists are taking note, and may be concerned (though that’s not stated). I remember the male presence being a big deal back home at my home Baptist church. It was not uncommon for some men to be sporting around a “Real men love Jesus” t-shirt or even better, a “Real men Sing” t-shirt. It was all the rave! It’s as if to Baptist’s, and other evangelicals (think “ Cowboy Church ”), that Christianity must be associated with a “manly” physique. It’s almost like being a spiritual Christian requires that you be a Republican, a Capitalist, and a MAN! Dirty hands, black stuff under your fingernails, chest hair, pick-up trucks… Come on MEN, step up! It’s weird to me, because Jesus’ ethic wasn’t all that manly. Actually, I think it was somewhat wimpy… “Turn the other cheek,” “Love one another,” “Do good to your enemies,” etc., etc. Why would that attract men? I think the fact that more women go to chu

the shortness of life and the unrelenting human spirit

This was emailed to me today from a close friend back home in Rochester who fought with death square in the face.   “I was waiting for my food with MJ when this guy came in with one leg. When he came in he was at the counter when he took two breaths and hit the floor. I attended to him when he fell and he was not breathing nor did he have a pulse. So I told the cook to call 911 and I started to do CPR and rescue breathing, for about 7 minutes until the ambulance arrived.. Everyone was watching me do this I had to rip off his shirt and put some wrap around his mouth so I would not get anything, and did CPR. When the ambulance arrived I was still going and he said keep it up your doing a good job, then they attached the AED which I put on, and we looked at the heart rate, which was flat. We shocked him and nothing, and I continued CPR again and we shocked again and got a heart beat. They loaded him on the board and he went into arrest again and so we shocked him again and got it g

The Death of Protestant America

Find the above titled article HERE : First Things is a culturally intuitive theological journal published by Roman Catholics intellectuals. Their mission statement is "to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society." The article written by Joseph Bottum presents a case that cannot be ignored, that is, the unified voice of "Mainline Protestants" is no longer influencing the political realm of the American politosphere, consequently leaving that space open to be filled. Unfortunately, as Bottum points out, it will be filled by whatever philosophy (secularism, environmentalism, feminism, etc.) is "en vogue" at the time. He suggests that the Mainline Denominations (Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Church of Christ, etc) are not only dying, but they are in fact as good as dead since their voice does not speak to our society today. Their social influence is zero, nilch, nada, etc... They have neither cultural, spir

Fungelicals: A Briefing

My good friend Jefferson coined the phrase “fungelical” last evening while we sat pondering the essence of our identity as Christians. “Fungelicals” are exactly that: Fun – Fundy – Evangelicals.   Let me explain: we are fundamentalists at heart (we are NOT liberals! Like these people…) who pretend we’re culturally relevant (we live near Uptown in Dallas ! Does it get any more relevant than that?), and we like to have fun (sometimes we skip church !).   P.S. - Fun usually involves an object whose form is cylindrical in shape, long in length, narrow in width, and completely organic (because we are very concerned about the environment and healthy living)! Oh, and of course, good old American cuisine at Henks European Deli! Wait… America hasn’t conquered Europe yet… well, we will soon though... uhmmm, Russia's in Europe right? !

Three Questions

Q1. If you were to be in ministry 10 years from now (whether you're in ministry now or not) what would you like to be doing and where? Q2. If you could wake up tomorrow with a degree and all the learning that would have gone with it from any seminary which one would you pick and why? Q3. What's your poison: donuts, beer, wine, pizza, chocolate, twinkies, key-lime pie? 1. In my crazy mind I see myself either A) functioning in a ministerial role (non-denominational or denominational?) or B) functioning in an educational administrative role in a Christian School (high school or college?) 2. Truett Seminary (Baylor University) because I would like to study Christian History with D. H. Williams. 3. Djarum Blacks (literally, they're killing me...) I tag: Matt Woodard Patrick Mitchell Ethan Welch Joel Reemstma

Help me, they've stolen my lifesource...


convictions of a saintly mother

This is my mother’s response to my previous post: “I understand what you mean about there being little we can know ‘purely and objectively’ when it comes to God and what the Bible teaches, but after almost a lifetime of ‘living by faith,’ I feel I have come to KNOW the Lord more than just intellectually. Of course, I don't know everything there is to know, but He has made Himself known to me in too many ways to live by faith anymore, not only because of the creation itself, but because of all the things that He has done in my life, your father's life, and the lives of others that cannot be explained by mere coincidence. I wonder if I even live by faith anymore and just accept the FACT that GOD IS because of my experiences with Him, but that's something only someone who knows the Lord can attest to, although in my human frailty, I may be put to the test many times before I die since Satan is still seeking to devour the weak! Unfortunately, anyone living outside God's re

100th Post

I also join Ryan with my 100th post. Congratulations, to myself on behalf of myself! I would like to thank first and foremost, my dedicated readers. [applause] A very special thank you, I couldn't do it without you! And, secondly, I would like to thank Blogger for making this opportunity available. You guys are great![major applause] Lastly, I thank the internet for providing the services necessary to self-publish. [triple major applause, standing ovation] Thank you, one and all! God Bless. I love you, Mom! (The one below is the 100th official post)

Theology Reading Group

A few guys from DTS have agreed to meet on two Mondays a month at a local joint to discuss a particular theological topic which we will be reading about during the weeks. The "organizer", Aaron, has also set up a blog called The Theology Reading Group . He got the idea from a group theological students over in the UK who are doing a similar thing. He writes concerning the purpose of the group, "We are an informal, inclusive group in Dallas. We read and dialogue inside a variety of traditions: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox. German, English, American. Liberal, conservative. Ancient, medieval, reformation, modern." I'm excited to see the desire among all of the prospective groupies to continue developing their theological acumen. I am excited because most of the guys (I don't know if any women are considering participation) are graduates from Seminary. I, speaking for myself, know that going through Seminary is a particularly overwhelming time in one's

Brief Conversation with the Madre Today

MOM: Thought you might like this one [essay from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries] - have you read any of Os Guinness? I've heard his name before, but haven't read anything by him - is he on the same plane as C.S. Lewis? Who is your favorite author? ME: Ya, I’ve heard him speak before… He’s very intelligent. He was mentored in part by Francis Schaeffer of L’Abri in France. He’s a evangelical cultural critic. Though he is a smart guy and very respectable, he should never be placed on the level of C. S. Lewis. Lewis was a Theologian and a Writer and a Scholar on a level which very few people ever reach. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. I’ve never thought of who would be my favorite author, but I really enjoy reading Mark Noll, George Marsden, John Henry Newman, G. K. Chesterton, and various others… Go to this link and see a lot of the books on my shelf: MOM: Wow, that's a lot of books - does that mean you r

The Power of the DOLLAR BILL ($1)

I tell you the truth, I lie not. I bought a car for $1 (and yes, it runs perfectly well) and then I sold it for $1 to my desperate roommate . Technically, I didn’t buy it, since the title was never in my name, but it was a verbal agreement and I did write a check which included the $1 (which this guy still owes to me).   What have you bought for $1 that beats a car??