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Showing posts from February, 2009

to amanda

I wanted to explain myself, but I don't know how to express what I think very well, but at last, I must try. It is not my nature to be simple. It is rather my nature to complicate where complication is not needed. So please, forgive me. First, you had my attention the minute I met you. I am sure I am not the first, nor will I be the last. There is a beauty that is instantly recognizable, though not every one in the same manner. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Nonetheless I found a creation that was indeed beautiful, and instantly I was drawn as moth is to the light. Second, not all that is beautiful is desirable. How that determination is made, once again, is different for all. What is desirable may not even be beautiful. I have found that, as concerns the affectionate, something/someone that is both beautiful and desirable is a rare joy to behold worth seeking out, and I found that in you, even if the time was short. Third, there are things in this world that br

in times like these

A storm breaks in upon the musty streets, sharp lightening flickers on the horizon revealing the thick blanket of hovering clouds, and the smell of rain on the bone-gray asphalt informs the senses that all is not well in this pretentious little society. The sound of city life lends to anxiety upon anxiety; the passing of frequent speeding wheel, the thumping of deep bass, the howling of city dogs, the thundering of jet-powered blasts approaching touch-down, the squeaking of metal on metal as the tires slosh to a halt near streets end. The familiarities of the city fail to comfort the unsoundest of love-starving hearts. From my balcony, the well-lit tower, or should I more accurately describe, fortress of imagined wealth, crowds in on the saturated horizon of florescence and dust reminding me that all is not well in our most advanced of civilization. All to frequently a speeding yellow transport clogs the stillness of quickly settled air, meanwhile a random youth clogs her way alone dow

winds of change.

A seminary friend emailed a few of us, and at one point in my life I would have tried to tackle these questions head-on, but with the seasons, my thoughts have changed. Here’s what she asked: How do God’s predestination and foreknowledge fit together? Is God’s predestination based on his foreknowledge? Or is his foreknowledge based on his predestination? But, I don’t see why, practically, these questions are good/important. They seem academic, and I don’t see how the answers affect my daily walk, or how they affect my ministry to others. I suppose if you’re purpose in trying to wrap your finite mind around infinite, intangible, anagogical, abstract principles is to know and love God more, it’s worth the headache. I think there is a danger in it though, simply searching for some end or some solution as if you are going to solve the problem of God, as if God is first, a problem; and second, comprehendible to the human condition. God hides in inapproachable light. Can that whi

invitation to disaster

Words. I love you. I miss you. I care about you. You're fat. You're stupid. You're annoying. You. You. You. I. I. I.

An Unexpected Turn

The nature of this blog has taken a somewhat unexpected turn. Unfortunately my cynicism may not be well received by some. What I have said in past posts may not be wise things to share publicly. It's better to think something, and never say it at all, lest regret come with sharp sword. Where this blog will go is still mystery. I may never post again, keeping my thoughts to a well-hidden private journal. Let's just say, that for now, I am unsure. Though, I cannot see complete silence. Writing here is an outlet. Somethings must be said, but I must now discern and judge wisely the shared contents of the blog.