The title of my blog takes on a bit more meaning at this hour as today represents the end of my 25th year of existence and tomorrow begins my 26th. A new year, a promise of new adventures, new relationships, new dreams, new challenges, new passions, a year of new life. I am a bit frustrated maybe even dissatisfied at the state of my life in its present form, I have found that I am of little use to anything. I dont mean to say that I am useless, but that I have found no place where I may be used. I have done nothing significant with my life at this point other than graduate high school and college which, quite frankly, were not even challenges, actually, the challenge was getting through without getting expelled. The point is that so far I have nothing of significance to show for the work that I have done for the past seven years and a half of post-high school education. Though it may seem to be a bit negative, I must state that I am excited about the fact that school has been a catalyst to appropriate and foster depth in my life in much more holistic and full way, a way that, had I not attended school, would not be possible. School has given me life through the encounters with the great depths of the humanities and through the power of the study of divinity. I would have never been able to appreciate and respect critical thinking and powerful writing in the manner in which i do at this moment. I have been faced with the ideas that have puzzled and intrigued mankind for thousands of years. Mankind is by nature a spiritual being, a being who's fullness is only complete when he has mastered or at least contemplated the depths of both his soul and body. Mankind has wondered and studied about the divine for thousands of uninterrupted years and I am happy to inherit the power and freedom of this magnificent legacy. On my birthday this year i wish that in the years to come I may find a place where I might influence a generation of humans to foster care for both soul and body, for both god and the human race, for both heaven and the earth.
My friend and fellow recovering ex-fundamentalist , I greet you joyously knowing the freedom you have found in leaving fundamentalism, however I am saddened by your departure as a whole from our Lord. I indeed understand the hardship which you have faced is cause for questioning God’s existence, faithfulness, and love to his creation. I would like to respond to you because I feel like I understand your socio-religious background. Let me first tell you my goal is not to re-convert you, but rather to give you a second thought from one who grew up in similar roots, whose posture of faith remains bent toward the gospel. I also grew up in ultra-conservative fundamentalism. If names like Peter Ruckman, Jack Hyles, Arlin Horton, etc, mean anything to you than you will understand. I graduated from PCC. OMG. I cannot believe it, but it’s true. What a crazy place. Fear, guilt, shame, legalism were the name of the game! As long as you “caught the spirit” all of life would be good and God would b...