Love is a strange condition. It is your friend or it is your foe.
Have you ever wanted to devote your soul's energy to the life and well-being of another human only to find your intentions are not welcomed? Truly, let me tell you that's a very difficult concept to grasp.
But I have Christ. Christ, who suffered and was tested in all points as is common to mankind. Can it even be said that the rejection he experienced can compare to the rejection we feel in life? I assure you, it cannot. We look to Christ, a bruised and beaten Lord, a rejected and scorned King, a hated and mocked God, we turn to him and cry, "Lord, hear the hurting plea of my heart."
I think it was C.S. Lewis who said something like, "Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours."
I had a brief discussion about love and electricity. Though trite, we agreed - pouring your heart into someone is like electricity. You either get burned or you get light. It's true, if you never turn the switch on you will never get burned, but the opposite is also true; if you never turn it on, you will never have light.