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EXPELLED!!! That frightening word flashed in front of my eyes for several days as myself and a few others known for our involvement in the "physics scandal of '99" found ourselves sitting, waiting to hear of our judgment from our high school principle. That's right, we cheated, and we cheated badly! From experience, I know the word is down right scary. O! the shame, the misfortune, the badness of that word. I cringe when I think about it.

And NOW I am sitting cringing in my chair scared, not because I might be given the boot again from my current educational program, but because of a digital mass of electronic bytes (and human bites) collected by Ben Stein and his cohorts.

What passes as documentary should more properly be called propaganda. DARWIN! THE ATHEISTS! THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE! Responsible for enslaving the universities to philosophical discrimination through brainwash science. Responsible for mass killing and hatred of mankind and all sorts of unmentionable evils.

Bad logic. Bad history. Bad Ben Stein.

If I have a lot of money and use that money to import slaves, I am bad. True, but that's it, right? Riii...Nope. Not according to Ben Stein. According to Benny Boy the "money" is bad, too. Get rid of money and you will get rid of slavery!!! Get rid of evolution and you will get rid of evil people!!! Wait, on second thought, that won't work, cause then people will use seashells to buy slaves.

I don't care much for Evolutionary Theory so to speak, cause quite frankly it doesn't make much sense to me, but again, I'm simple minded, and I believe something (GOD) is responsible for creating "this something"(WORLD). But I don't really care for this film either. It doesn't solve anything. If anything, it pulls (especially conservative evangelical Christians) us farther and farther apart from participating in necessary gentlemanly discussions. Would you want to talk to someone who has just accused you and your belief of being directly responsible for the mass murder of millions of Jews? Especially if neither you nor your belief isn't responsible??!! I cringe because expelledthemovie has just made things more difficult for faith and science to talk as gentlemen.

FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION SEE: if i were a bell, i'd ring
Tim's post is a response to an uncareful and unthoughtful article written in Dallas Seminary's (my school) student Publication called the Jot and Title.

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