My co-worker Ryan makes a poignant observation:
“I saw a billboard for Celebrate Freedom the other day and the thought crossed my mind, “What freedom are they celebrating? Freedom from Sin? Freedom of religion? Freedom from Britain? Ah, yes, freedom as in Independence Day. Duh.
Based on the chapter summaries you’ve been posting on your blog, the following thought just occurred to me…
No indictments here, just observations…Celebrate Freedom = 2 days. 3 stages. 40+ musicians and speakers. It is the largest Christian Music festival in North Texas which typically occurs on the weekend before Independence Day. Is it ironic that one of the largest Christian gatherings in the metro-plex occurs around the same time that our Country celebrates itself? No irony here. What is ironic is the sponsor list, which includes the likes of the following: Interstate Batteries, Verizon, Capital One, CBS Channel 11, Gospel Music Channel, Dr Pepper, Texas Power, David McDavid Auto Group, DBU, Nationwide, Toyota, Chick-fil-A, Hyatt, Geico, State Farm, The National Guard, U.S. Army, Dallas Mavericks, Just Brakes, Holiday Inn, Blue Bell Ice Cream, etc.”
Ah, yes... Jesus, Patriotism, and Capitalism. Texas, the greatest country in America.