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Music for the mood

I have noticed a pattern.

I have three typical moods, and thus three separate "moods" of music. Each particular mood coincides with a particular mood of music. Interestingly enough, each mood typically coincides with a particular time of day.

GENRE: Indi-Rock, Pop, Alternative, Electronic
ARTISTS: Damien Rice, Radiohead, Death Cab, Enigma, Mute Math, Copeland, Coldplay
TOD: Early morning during workday
DESCRIPTION: Typically I listen to this music during the day when I have found that I am particularly aware of my alone-ness, and especially futility in working a meaningless job. I find this music identifying with my felt situation - disappointment, sadness, loneliness, meaninglessness. I find this music soothing. It helps me cope knowing that others feel the same way. I prefer to spend my time in this mood. During this time I will have some "serious" conversations with God. He typically tells me to get over myself. It's usually what I need to hear, but it is at this point in the day that I "feel" God the most.

GENRE: Hard Rock, Metal, Alternative, Rock
ARTISTS: Metallica, Stone Temple Pilots, Red, Smashing Pumpkins, Stabbing Westward, Deftones, Linkin Park
TOD: Early evening, Workout, (especially right after work)
DESCRIPTION: The moment I step foot in my car after work I turn my stereo loud. This helps me release the frustration and provides a sort of "upper" experience. It automatically releases adrenaline. It gives me energy and fuels passion to "overcome" the situation of the day. I find this mood to be the most unhealthy of the three. It lends to a arrogant and wreckless spirit. It shows in my often unsafe driving habits. It is definitely not the "poor in spirit" or the "peacemaker" attitude Christ talked about.

GENRE: Electronic, Hymns, Classical, New Age
ARTISTS: Enya, Hammock, Libera, Gregorian Chant, Various Instrumental
TOD: Late evening, Bed
DESCRIPTION: This music is a sort of sedative. I relaxes my mind and brings closure to the end of the day. I grants peace and I can feel again.

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