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A response to my beloved mother: part 2


"I'm a registered Conservative, but my vote counted since they endorsed McCain, so I guess it all depends on who the Libertarian's endorse, and even if it were someone difference, at least you would have had a part in voting for the "most" righteous candidate, and McCain was the one even though he's still not the Christian ideal! Remember, Bill Clinton was a "pro-choice" candidate as well as one who furthered the homosexual agenda, so it wasn't surprising to me that 9/11 happened after his term was up and it's not surprising that the economy is faltering so badly now, and it won't surprise me if Obama continues the downward spiral, even if it is into socialistic policies since that's how Europe has gone since they left off looking to God.

It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing since the majority have been anti-God for so long and their nations have paid for that for centuries (Dark Africa except for South America that had a Christian influence, China conflicts with Communism except for Hong Kong that had a Christian influence, India turmoil with Hindusim except for Southern India that had a Christian influence, etc., South America for building their nations on Catholic doctrine rather than true Biblical doctrine) The only reason why some of those economies are doing better now economically is that they have adopted some of the principles that have a Christian basis (free market, work hard and you'll be rewarded). I know that American greed has usurped most of the Christian principles and we're paying for that now. I think God used America as a light to the world for at least attempting to put Christian principles into affect in the beginning to show that He would bless righteousness. Europe has paid dearly for their abandonment of God through "enlightenment," and will do so again when they align themselves with the Antichrist. I'm sorry that you are so flippant about end times prophecy because to me, it's one of the cornerstones of Christianity. I have enjoyed learning history and see how God's plans have played out and I am enjoying the same for our world today to see where He's taking us through the end times prophecies.

The blessings of America equate to monetary blessing because of the blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 for honoring the Lord, but the list of cursings for not doing so are so much more in vs.15-68. I realize that a lot of those curses applies to Israel as a nation, but they certainly are valid for those who are called by His name today and that is Christianity (2 Chronicles 7:14), which is lukewarm at best as equated with the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3 that would also equate with your meaning of American Christians being earthly minded (I'm sure you don't believe Laodiea is a type of the "church" that exists today whereas the Philadelphean church is a type that made America great and the remaining churches were types of other historical periods (read Ruckman's commentary on Revelation -ha, ha).

Just don't get so arrogant in your belief system that you look down upon other Christians - remember, God judges the "inward thoughts of the heart" and we all struggle with that! Love Mom"

"Mom, I love you.

Where I certainly cannot argue with the way you perceive God’s plan for the world and how America ties into that plan; I can say, as I interpret you, America is not God’s chosen nation. My view of the world, its history, and God’s plan of redemption cannot think that way. America’s blessing is pure grace. Just as we do nothing to deserve our current bodily health America has done nothing to deserve its prosperity. Nations rise and nations fall. We were just blessed to be given life during this time of comfort and freedom.

Yes, we know the final outcome, but we don’t know the in-betweens. Presuming 9/11 the judgment of abortion and homosexuality is the height of presumption and, in my opinion, only breeds division between believers and unbelievers. What about Adultery? What about Greed? What about Pride? What about Hatred? And so on. What are, in your opinion, the punishments for those? I believe the viewing of America’s coinciding with God’s final end-times plan is a product of a purely American mentality. America is 5% of the world’s population. That means that 95% of the world is not American. America is not the light shining in this dark world. America is part of the darkness.

What did George Bush do during his 8 years in office to rid the country of abortion? Did he not, at one point, have Republican Senate, House, and Supreme Court? Yes, he did, and NOTHING was done about abortion! Where are all these “righteous” leaders?

I am sorry if my attitude about end-times prophecy seems flippant. I have spent a lot of time studying theology and the bible and Christian doctrine. “End-Times” prophecy is not a “cornerstone” of the faith. It is only a cornerstone to Peter Ruckman’s faith. Would you say that end-times prophecy is on par with the Trinity, deity of Christ, Salvation by faith? If so, the historic church had it so wrong for so many years. “End-times prophecy” is 150 years old and is born out of the European “enlightenment” philosophy you condemn. The confession of Christ’s Bodily Return is the only historic “cornerstone” doctrine of “end times”. Rapture, European Union, implanted identity chips, etc, etc, are NOT and never will be cornerstones of the faith. I will not die for dispensational views of end-times prophecy. I would die (I think) to say that Jesus is God’s Son.

I am sorry if I am coming across as arrogant. I will try to be more kind in my responses. Honestly, what bugs the mess out of me is what I said: Christians in America are more American than they are Christian.

And because I love you so much, I cannot continue the conversation. I want only to be a beloved son. Your response is welcomed and fair, but I cannot respond. I love you.

God’s mercy endures forever."

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