In 2008:
Turned 27 years old, and instantly became depressed.
Began my fourth year as an employee at Trinity Real Estate Solutions... no comment.
Graduated from Seminary with a masters degree, why?
Went to Alaska, fell in love with it, and bought a wolf hat.
Gambled in the Las Vegas Airport, and loved every minute of it.
Honored as a groomsman in two weddings; once as the best man... Dig and Kig!
Chased steers in Oklahoma, and lost.
Involved in my first car accident, and got paid!
Cashed my first Economic Stimulus check, thank you George W.
Shaved my head as an act in the acceptance of baldness.
Dated my roommates ex-girlfriend, and lived to tell about it.
Worked-out consistently for the year, lost 15 pounds of fat.
Witnessed the addictive power of Dunnhills, decided it wasn't best.
Became a member of the Apple Computer Cult with the purchase of a MacBook, and love it.
Volunteered for K-Life and HPPC as a youth leader, and realized I wasn't cut out for youth work.
Visited my Alma Mater, PCC, 4 years after graduating, and kept my vow to never "set foot" on the campus (stayed in the car).
Added three movies to my fav's list: Juno, Sweeney Todd, and Dark Knight.
Added three bands to my fav's list: Radiohead, Lydia, Copeland.
Got a promotion at work, but didn't get a raise. Weird.
Camped in the Ouchita Mountains in Arkansas, twice. RANSOM! RANSOM! RANSOM!
Snowboarded for the first time in Red River, NM... my tailbone is eternally bruised.
Shared a room with the Salmon King, and escaped being salmoned.
Conscientiously didn't vote in the election. Just say NO to voting!
Read more and blogged more than ever, and realized I do it because I'm nervous.
Rachel, Lauren, Raelen, Stacy, Melissa... at least one date.
Asked Noelle out - she said yes, then said no via facebook. Seriously.
Asked Courtney out - she said no, then said yes, then said no. Awesome.
Officially joined the "Dump on Dates" club.
Learned to play poker, and lose all my money on side bets.
Dunn Bro's Coffee, Panera Bread Company, and Crooked Tree Coffee House became my most frequent stops.
Shared accountability with Tim, Chris, and Garrett, and was blessed.
Shared prayer with the Guilers and company on Sunday evenings, and was refreshed.
Charter member of Dallas Theology Group, and failed to understand Karl Barth.
Read "The Shack" and cried (more like teared up). The only time I cried all year.
What did you do in 2008?

Turned 27 years old, and instantly became depressed.
Began my fourth year as an employee at Trinity Real Estate Solutions... no comment.
Graduated from Seminary with a masters degree, why?
Went to Alaska, fell in love with it, and bought a wolf hat.
Gambled in the Las Vegas Airport, and loved every minute of it.
Honored as a groomsman in two weddings; once as the best man... Dig and Kig!
Chased steers in Oklahoma, and lost.
Involved in my first car accident, and got paid!
Cashed my first Economic Stimulus check, thank you George W.
Shaved my head as an act in the acceptance of baldness.
Dated my roommates ex-girlfriend, and lived to tell about it.
Worked-out consistently for the year, lost 15 pounds of fat.
Witnessed the addictive power of Dunnhills, decided it wasn't best.
Became a member of the Apple Computer Cult with the purchase of a MacBook, and love it.
Volunteered for K-Life and HPPC as a youth leader, and realized I wasn't cut out for youth work.
Visited my Alma Mater, PCC, 4 years after graduating, and kept my vow to never "set foot" on the campus (stayed in the car).
Added three movies to my fav's list: Juno, Sweeney Todd, and Dark Knight.
Added three bands to my fav's list: Radiohead, Lydia, Copeland.
Got a promotion at work, but didn't get a raise. Weird.
Camped in the Ouchita Mountains in Arkansas, twice. RANSOM! RANSOM! RANSOM!
Snowboarded for the first time in Red River, NM... my tailbone is eternally bruised.
Shared a room with the Salmon King, and escaped being salmoned.
Conscientiously didn't vote in the election. Just say NO to voting!
Read more and blogged more than ever, and realized I do it because I'm nervous.
Rachel, Lauren, Raelen, Stacy, Melissa... at least one date.
Asked Noelle out - she said yes, then said no via facebook. Seriously.
Asked Courtney out - she said no, then said yes, then said no. Awesome.
Officially joined the "Dump on Dates" club.
Learned to play poker, and lose all my money on side bets.
Dunn Bro's Coffee, Panera Bread Company, and Crooked Tree Coffee House became my most frequent stops.
Shared accountability with Tim, Chris, and Garrett, and was blessed.
Shared prayer with the Guilers and company on Sunday evenings, and was refreshed.
Charter member of Dallas Theology Group, and failed to understand Karl Barth.
Read "The Shack" and cried (more like teared up). The only time I cried all year.
What did you do in 2008?