Here is a brief report of life:
So far the time back in Rochester has been stimulating. The summer prior to the start of the school year was a welcomed break from the annoying monotony of working 9-5 at some pointless job so I can pay the rent bill at the end of the month. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the job and how it provided what was necessary, but nonetheless my feeling of self-worth while working was hovering just above one. Did I mention the scale was out of one hundred?

I definitely don't miss that silliness, but the time spent with friends is irreplaceable. People ask me, "Do you miss Dallas?" I always so no, because I don't. I don't miss sitting in traffic on 75 and I don't miss the yuppiness of people and the shallowness of affluent American culture. Any way, I don't miss Dallas, but I always say I miss my friends. I do. But alas, life is train, and we have to get off when we reach our platform. I am certainly glad we got to ride in the same car for a while though. Who knows, maybe we'll get to ride again someday.
I haven't really made many friends here; partly because I haven't actively pursued them, but also because I really don't rub shoulders with people my age or in my similar life situation. I live in the suburbs, go to a suburban church (families and seniors), work at a Christian high school. I have found myself spending a lot of time with adults (as if I am not an adult. Haha...). I guess I should say people over 40. In particular these were people who were my teachers! These are people who took responsibility for me when I was a kid and through my youth. They are my friends parents. they are my Sunday school teachers and Awana leaders, This is good. It's totally different now that I am "one of them." Any way, since I have given myself over to pursue wisdom, I am sure I will find it in these places with these people, even if I think they are superstitious in their Christianity or if they have weird beliefs about the bible.
In particular I have enjoyed spending time with family. Now "uncle scott" isn't somebody who lives far far away, I am a person. I am an their uncle in real life. One of the reasons for moving home was to get to know my parents. What teenager cares about getting to know their parents when they're a teenager? I have been able to spend a lot of quality time with my dad and talk honestly about my thinking and how it differs (sometimes drastically) from him. He doesn't shut me off, instead now he is always asking my opinion and really takes seriously my ideas. It's nice to see, and it's definitely not what I expected. I have a hard time relating with my mother though. She is still stuck in her fundy ways (The KJV is right and only Christians vote republican and its the liberals fault God left our country). I have even spent a little time with Jeff, believe it or not. I still fail to relate to him, but at least we don't fight anymore. Living with my sister is ideal. The house is a great "starter" home and many thanks to the great Obama who bought us a sweet 50' flat screen and really comfy couches to sit on while I watch the mind-numbing flashing screen.
What's interesting is the direction of our church. Last night 33 Miles was here in concert at our church. They sing some popular Christian songs you might hear on KLUV if you listened for a hour (since they play the same 5 songs every ten minutes). My mom said, "It was too loud." Haha! But this is interesting because what KJV only church in America (besides my own) will sponsor a (for all practical purposes) rock concert? I dare say only one, and that's mine. So at least my KJV only church is a cool KJV only church! Any way, I still have a very hard time relating to most anything people say about God or Jesus or the Bible around here, but I manage and I manange to keep my mouth shut pretty well too.
School is crazy. I get paid to teach stuff I learn the night before class. I teach two class of instruction (Accounting and Psychology) and then I have three Phys. Ed. classes. I don't know what I am doing, but the kids seem to get the concepts we cover. I guess that's all I can wish for at this moment. I enjoy the school day. Kids are hilarious. Some are so stupid its funny, some are way too cool for school and that's the funniest. I mean seriously kid, you're a student at a dinky Christian school and you think you're the baddest thing that happened since the invention of the cotton gin. Any way, kids are kids where ever you go, I guess. Soccer season made the first two months of school very difficult. Trying to manage practices and "Coach, I can't practice today, my toe nail hurts." The season was fun, but it was long and I am glad to be finished. It will free up an additional 10-15 hours a week.
I am looking into going back to school this summer. SUNY Brockport has a Master of Liberal Studies. What's cool is you get to choose what you want to study, so I think I am going to pursue that and focus in on studying education, particularly educational philosophy. I think in 5 years I would like to be on the road to Ph.D.
So that's a bit of what's going on here. Nothing spectacular, but the difference is that I feel like I am contributing to make this world a better place. I feel like I am in this world for a reason, whereas six months ago, I couldn't quite see why I was on this ball of dirt.
So far the time back in Rochester has been stimulating. The summer prior to the start of the school year was a welcomed break from the annoying monotony of working 9-5 at some pointless job so I can pay the rent bill at the end of the month. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the job and how it provided what was necessary, but nonetheless my feeling of self-worth while working was hovering just above one. Did I mention the scale was out of one hundred?

I definitely don't miss that silliness, but the time spent with friends is irreplaceable. People ask me, "Do you miss Dallas?" I always so no, because I don't. I don't miss sitting in traffic on 75 and I don't miss the yuppiness of people and the shallowness of affluent American culture. Any way, I don't miss Dallas, but I always say I miss my friends. I do. But alas, life is train, and we have to get off when we reach our platform. I am certainly glad we got to ride in the same car for a while though. Who knows, maybe we'll get to ride again someday.
I haven't really made many friends here; partly because I haven't actively pursued them, but also because I really don't rub shoulders with people my age or in my similar life situation. I live in the suburbs, go to a suburban church (families and seniors), work at a Christian high school. I have found myself spending a lot of time with adults (as if I am not an adult. Haha...). I guess I should say people over 40. In particular these were people who were my teachers! These are people who took responsibility for me when I was a kid and through my youth. They are my friends parents. they are my Sunday school teachers and Awana leaders, This is good. It's totally different now that I am "one of them." Any way, since I have given myself over to pursue wisdom, I am sure I will find it in these places with these people, even if I think they are superstitious in their Christianity or if they have weird beliefs about the bible.
In particular I have enjoyed spending time with family. Now "uncle scott" isn't somebody who lives far far away, I am a person. I am an their uncle in real life. One of the reasons for moving home was to get to know my parents. What teenager cares about getting to know their parents when they're a teenager? I have been able to spend a lot of quality time with my dad and talk honestly about my thinking and how it differs (sometimes drastically) from him. He doesn't shut me off, instead now he is always asking my opinion and really takes seriously my ideas. It's nice to see, and it's definitely not what I expected. I have a hard time relating with my mother though. She is still stuck in her fundy ways (The KJV is right and only Christians vote republican and its the liberals fault God left our country). I have even spent a little time with Jeff, believe it or not. I still fail to relate to him, but at least we don't fight anymore. Living with my sister is ideal. The house is a great "starter" home and many thanks to the great Obama who bought us a sweet 50' flat screen and really comfy couches to sit on while I watch the mind-numbing flashing screen.
What's interesting is the direction of our church. Last night 33 Miles was here in concert at our church. They sing some popular Christian songs you might hear on KLUV if you listened for a hour (since they play the same 5 songs every ten minutes). My mom said, "It was too loud." Haha! But this is interesting because what KJV only church in America (besides my own) will sponsor a (for all practical purposes) rock concert? I dare say only one, and that's mine. So at least my KJV only church is a cool KJV only church! Any way, I still have a very hard time relating to most anything people say about God or Jesus or the Bible around here, but I manage and I manange to keep my mouth shut pretty well too.
School is crazy. I get paid to teach stuff I learn the night before class. I teach two class of instruction (Accounting and Psychology) and then I have three Phys. Ed. classes. I don't know what I am doing, but the kids seem to get the concepts we cover. I guess that's all I can wish for at this moment. I enjoy the school day. Kids are hilarious. Some are so stupid its funny, some are way too cool for school and that's the funniest. I mean seriously kid, you're a student at a dinky Christian school and you think you're the baddest thing that happened since the invention of the cotton gin. Any way, kids are kids where ever you go, I guess. Soccer season made the first two months of school very difficult. Trying to manage practices and "Coach, I can't practice today, my toe nail hurts." The season was fun, but it was long and I am glad to be finished. It will free up an additional 10-15 hours a week.
I am looking into going back to school this summer. SUNY Brockport has a Master of Liberal Studies. What's cool is you get to choose what you want to study, so I think I am going to pursue that and focus in on studying education, particularly educational philosophy. I think in 5 years I would like to be on the road to Ph.D.
So that's a bit of what's going on here. Nothing spectacular, but the difference is that I feel like I am contributing to make this world a better place. I feel like I am in this world for a reason, whereas six months ago, I couldn't quite see why I was on this ball of dirt.