Well, I made a plan and is typical I didn't stick to it completely. A while back I decided that I would first pay off all of my school debt and then reward myself by sponsoring a Compassion International child. Patrick, I have not followed the plan and I apologize. Yesterday I got my sponsorship package in the mail. I learned then name of my sponsor today. Her name is Witness Juma Semle. She is 10 years old and she lives in Tanzania in an HIV/AIDS devastated area. It is still my goal to pay of my school debt within a year, but I didn't think delaying helping a child in need because of my debt was very Christian. It might make financial sense to put the money toward the debt, but then again Jesus told us to sell all that we have and give to the poor. So Jesus' financial decisions don't make very good financial sense either. So I am in good company. Any way, the plan is still to pay off the debt asap, however I am OK if its takes longer, because I know that Witness will be taken care of. Thank you, Patrick for your passion to make a difference in the world. It rubs off on people.
My friend and fellow recovering ex-fundamentalist , I greet you joyously knowing the freedom you have found in leaving fundamentalism, however I am saddened by your departure as a whole from our Lord. I indeed understand the hardship which you have faced is cause for questioning God’s existence, faithfulness, and love to his creation. I would like to respond to you because I feel like I understand your socio-religious background. Let me first tell you my goal is not to re-convert you, but rather to give you a second thought from one who grew up in similar roots, whose posture of faith remains bent toward the gospel. I also grew up in ultra-conservative fundamentalism. If names like Peter Ruckman, Jack Hyles, Arlin Horton, etc, mean anything to you than you will understand. I graduated from PCC. OMG. I cannot believe it, but it’s true. What a crazy place. Fear, guilt, shame, legalism were the name of the game! As long as you “caught the spirit” all of life would be good and God would b...