a friend wrote:
Five walls enclosing
A night's just imposing
She struggles upon her knees
Worlds in transition
A profound new position
Who'll hear her quiet pleas?
Her kingdom was consuming
But like a moth to flame
She kept burning wings of freedom
Unfocused by the pain
How could she be so wrong in
Bringing meaning to her name?
His presence was assurance
She'd forgotten why He came
His love so astounding
His touch all resounding
She bends in His majesty
He whispers "Beloved"
"It's you that I covet"
Alone, she's all that He sees
And prostrate on the floor her
Tears are mingled with belief
No slave is more adored tonight
through this Master's kind relief
"Don't laugh back tears
Or hold the crowd
You're my Beloved
And I'm still proud
To cradle you
Throughout this fight
Which I've long won
And made Love right."