What Is A Submissive Wife, Anyway?
English Versions which include “cooperate” in the NT:
1. The Message (Mt. 5:9) - “cooperate” for “peacemakers” This word is not semantically related to “upotasso.”
2. Amplified Bible (1 Cor. 16:16; 2 Cor. 1:11; 3 Jn. 1:8)
*** HIGHLY IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE:1Cor. 16:16 is interesting because it contains “submit” and “cooperate” in the same verse (NET). Submit translated from “upotasso” and cooperate translated from “sunergeo”. “Sunergeo” has the idea of “to engage in cooperative endeavor, work together with, assist, help, etc” (BDAG). This verse might demonstrate that Paul (even though he was a first century ignoramus, misogynist, sexist pig) knew the distinction between submitting and cooperating. Jim, you might want to check this one out. The same author (we think, at least I do) who wrote Ephesians (St. Paul) had a keen awareness for the usage of words as is demonstrated by his lengthy letters. I think he chose the word he wanted which intended to convey the idea of submission. Someone accused Tim of eisegesis, but I think, and I have a good idea that you are just imposing your 21st century hang-ups with the idea of submission being “pregnant women barefoot in the kitchen with two babies at each breast” into the text. What is the exact definition of “upotasso”? Well, it’s “upotasso.” In English it would make sense as being used to imply “submission.” NOT “cooperation.”
3. NET (1Cor 16:16) as noted above.
English versions that do NOT even contain “cooperate” in their translation of the NT.
Jim, Since no ONE English translation today has even the remotest understanding of “cooperation” for “upotasso” in Ephesians the burden of proof rests on you, and your proof is somewhat skimpy… sorry.
(Disclaimer: Don't worry, I'm not a crazy fanatical fundy calling women to "sit down, and shut up." Actually, this world would be a lot better if men would put their stupid ego's aside and listen the thoughtful voice of a woman. Submission in marriage is mutual. I might be a bit more egalitarian...)