On the wiseness of living wisely:
What is more probable? Death or Riches? Isn't there some statistic that says something like 20% of the world owns 80% of the worlds wealth? I know, 85% of statistics are made up anyway, so who can trust that?
Well, this statistic is not made up. 100% of men and women die... (however a literal reading of the Old Testament suggests two people did not actually die [Enoch and Elijah], so given this testimony, actually the number is like 99.99999999999999999999999999999999%)
Unfortunately I do not know the ratio of the rich to the non-rich. I suppose first you would have to define what is meant by "rich". Let's just say for the sake of the argument that 10% of the world strikes it rich. However, 5% of the rich sooner or later loose their riches.
Ok... so 100% of the world dies and only 10% of the world becomes rich and only 5% stay rich.
Why do not 100% of the world prepare for death? Wisdom teaches that riches make themselves wings and fly away. A wise man once said: "Prepare to meet they Maker."